
class cyclotron_consul.kv.Adapter(sink, api)
property api

Alias for field number 1

property sink

Alias for field number 0

class cyclotron_consul.kv.Api(read_key, watch_key)
property read_key

Alias for field number 0

property watch_key

Alias for field number 1

class cyclotron_consul.kv.KeyValue(key, value)
property key

Alias for field number 0

property value

Alias for field number 1


Creates a consul adapter for the KV API.


source – an aiohttp response stream.


A Client object

cyclotron_consul.kv.read_key(http_client, endpoint, key)

Reads a key on the specified endpoint

  • http_client – An instance of http client. This parameter is already binded when called from the adapter.

  • endpoint – the consul server full url

  • key – The key to read


On observable that emits a single KeyValue item if the request succeeds. Otherwise the observable completes on error.


>>>import cyclotron_consul.kv as kv >>>client = kv.client(http_source) >>>client.api.read_key(“http://localhost:8500”, “mykey”).subscribe( >>> on_next=print >>>) >>># forward client.sink to http driver sink

cyclotron_consul.kv.watch_key(http_client, endpoint, key)

Reads a key on the specified endpoint, and watch for updates.

  • http_client – An instance of http client. This parameter is already binded when called from the adapter.

  • endpoint – the consul server full url

  • key – The key to read


On observable that emits a KeyValue item each time the value associated to the key is updated on consul. In case of error, the observable completes on error.


>>>import cyclotron_consul.kv as kv >>>client = kv.client(http_source) >>>client.api.watch_key(“http://localhost:8500”, “mykey”).subscribe( >>> on_next=print >>>) >>># forward client.sink to http driver sink